March 24, 2023

Testimonials! We love them because you love them. What’s better than word-of-mouth to help you make a measured, meaningful, informed decision about if any solution is right for you? So for this week’s blog, we’d like to highlight our most recent outpouring of support from Leap Consulting Solution’s founder Lauren B. Jones. Lauren’s also a Founder, Author, Speaker, Blogger, Innovator, Recruiting Technology expert, and a goat mumma - a trailblazer for lady leaders. Over to you, Lauren!


This #technologytuesday, it’s time to nerd out and appreciate the amazing tech that is making a difference in the industry. Today, we’re talking DE&I - the most crucial focus for our industry. Did you know there’s tech that can make an impact? We start with the first impression we put out into the world - your job ad! So let's talk about Get-Optimal. 

First - the facts. 

Did you know that the average job posting is over 6.2 years old and that 95% are written with masculine bias? Also, 54% of job ads are over the recommended length. Remember, job seekers are also consumers - we need to keep it brief and focused. There’s tech that can help with that!

Get-Optimal is one of my favourite tools for diversity, equity and inclusion. Get Optimal can help you improve your job ad performance and the leads you’re getting with higher-quality applications by bringing in diverse candidates. This is the tool we’re looking for!

Remember, the job ad is the first chance to make a good impression - Get Optimal will help you do it the correct way. Their proprietary technology reduces bias across all protected characteristics and it’ll help you improve SEO and help attract a diverse pool of candidates and this must be our focus. 

If you haven’t checked out Get Optimal you must at www.get-optimal.com. You can always contact me (Jones) Lauren at Lead Consulting Solutions if you have any questions.

Diversity, equity and inclusion remain priorities in our industry, and Get Optimal can help you get your first impression right!

Join back here next week for another technology Tuesday! Until then, go out and make your day a great one.

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI choose the most readable parts of your job ads to display. You’ll save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new ad is provided in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your ad is Diversity & Inclusion compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?


March 24, 2023
Download Case Study

Testimonials! We love them because you love them. What’s better than word-of-mouth to help you make a measured, meaningful, informed decision about if any solution is right for you? So for this week’s blog, we’d like to highlight our most recent outpouring of support from Leap Consulting Solution’s founder Lauren B. Jones. Lauren’s also a Founder, Author, Speaker, Blogger, Innovator, Recruiting Technology expert, and a goat mumma - a trailblazer for lady leaders. Over to you, Lauren!


This #technologytuesday, it’s time to nerd out and appreciate the amazing tech that is making a difference in the industry. Today, we’re talking DE&I - the most crucial focus for our industry. Did you know there’s tech that can make an impact? We start with the first impression we put out into the world - your job ad! So let's talk about Get-Optimal. 

First - the facts. 

Did you know that the average job posting is over 6.2 years old and that 95% are written with masculine bias? Also, 54% of job ads are over the recommended length. Remember, job seekers are also consumers - we need to keep it brief and focused. There’s tech that can help with that!

Get-Optimal is one of my favourite tools for diversity, equity and inclusion. Get Optimal can help you improve your job ad performance and the leads you’re getting with higher-quality applications by bringing in diverse candidates. This is the tool we’re looking for!

Remember, the job ad is the first chance to make a good impression - Get Optimal will help you do it the correct way. Their proprietary technology reduces bias across all protected characteristics and it’ll help you improve SEO and help attract a diverse pool of candidates and this must be our focus. 

If you haven’t checked out Get Optimal you must at www.get-optimal.com. You can always contact me (Jones) Lauren at Lead Consulting Solutions if you have any questions.

Diversity, equity and inclusion remain priorities in our industry, and Get Optimal can help you get your first impression right!

Join back here next week for another technology Tuesday! Until then, go out and make your day a great one.

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI choose the most readable parts of your job ads to display. You’ll save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new ad is provided in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your ad is Diversity & Inclusion compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?